Page:The international development of China (IA developmentchina00suny).pdf/285

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Legation of the United States of Amercia

Peking, March 17, 1919.

Dr. Sun Yat Sen,
29 Rue Molière,
Shanghai, Kiangsu.

Dear Dr. Sun:

I have read with great interest your sketch project for the international development of China as embodied in your letter of February first to me. I congratulate you upon the broad and statesmanlike attitude with which you treat this very important subject. Your suggestion of united international participation in the development of China's resources deserves the support of all friends of China. It would be unfortunate indeed if the old régime of spheres of influence, struggles for concessions and activities flavoring of selfish exploitation should not, with the conclusion of the war, be relegated to the past. You are right in recognizing the necessity of a substitute for the old order and your proposal of a unified policy under international organization with Chinese partici-