Page:The international development of China (IA developmentchina00suny).pdf/293

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Il Ministro Della Guerra

Rome, 17 Maggio, 1919.

Most Honorable
Sun Yat Sen,
29 Rue Molière,
Shanghai, China.

Honorable Sir:

I thank you for having so kindly communicated to me the interesting project regarding how to employ through an International Organization the exuberant industrial activitics created by the war, in order to exploit the great hidden riches of China.

Though aware of the practical difficulties which present themselves in the accomplishment of this project, it meets with my utmost appreciation, I assure you, for the modern spirit by which it is animated and for the depth of its conception.

Accept my best wishes for complete success, in the advantage of your noble country and for the interest of humanity.

Believe Me,

Faithfully yours,

General Caviglia.