Page:The international development of China (IA developmentchina00suny).pdf/296

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3, Piazza Del Popolo

August 30, 1919.

Dr. Sun Yat Sen,
29 Rue Molière,
Shanghai, China.

My Dear Dr. Sun Yat Sen:

I thank you for your very kind letter of June 19th which has just been forwarded to me from my office in Rome, also for your kindness in sending me your splendid project "To assist the Re-adjustment of Post-bellum Industries," and the program for "The International Development of China."

I assure you I read your proposals and studied the maps in connection with your able and logical argument with the deepest interest. And I beg you to accept my hearty congratulations.

I am entirely convinced that your noble ideals will be realised, not only for the benefit of China and the welfare of your own people, but for the benefit and prosperity of the whole human race.

The Nations cannot continue to deny in the future