Page:The international development of China (IA developmentchina00suny).pdf/50

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As the Great Northern Port is the center of our first program, so the Great Eastern Port will be the center of our second program. I shall formulate this program as follows:

I. The Great Eastern Port.

II. The regulating of the Yangtze Channel and embankments.

III. The Construction of River Ports.

IV. The Improvement of Existing Waterways and Canals in connection with the Yangtze.

V. The Establishment of large Cement Works.


The Great Eastern Port

Although Shanghai is already the largest port in all China, as it stands it will not meet the future needs and demands of a world harbor. Therefore there is a movement at present among the foreign merchants in China to construct a world port in Shanghai. Several plans have been proposed such as to improve the existing arrangement, to build a wet dock by closing the Whang-