Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/184

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158 UATTLE OF TIIK ALMA. C'iiAi'. Gou-li, Captain Fitzgerald, Wallis, Worthington, '• Siiee, and Greenwood, and IG sergeants, were wounded. * Of the rank and file 52 were killed, and 17:2 were wounded. In Llie 95th, Colonel Webber Smith, Dowdall, Eddington, the younger Eddington, Polhill, Kingsley, Braybrook, and 3 sergeants were killed ; and Ilunie, Ueyland, AVing, Sargent, JNIacdonald, Garrard, liraybrook, Brooke, Boothby, Bazalgette, Gordon, and 12 sergeants, were wounded. Of the rank and file 42 were killed and 1 1 G wounded. In the 19th, Stoekwell and Wardlaw were killed ; and Cardew, Saunders, INI'Gee, Warden, and Currie, and 4 sergeants, wounded. Of the rank and file 39 were killed and 170 wounded. In the 2d battalion of llilles, 2 sergeants were killed, and the Earl of Ei'rol and 1 sergeant wounded. Of the rank and file 9 were killed and 37 wounded. So, of the five battalions which had stormed the redoubt, there was a loss, in killed and wounded, of about 100 officers and sergeants, and 800 men. XXV. But what was the h)v] which bound the Czar's

  • Coloni-1 T51iil<e would iKit report his wound, lest the iiccouut

should iilarin liis wife and lamily. His was struck in three places. Siree, though liadly wouuded, insisted upon re- maining out on the hillside all night, in order that men in a worse condition should he first attended to. Wallis was badly wounded, but he tied a handkerchief round the place, and re- mained with his regiment to the close of the battle. Worth- ington died from the amputation which was necessitated by the wound lie received.