Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/20

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XVI CONTENTR. Chapter T. — continved Officers doscryiiif; the 'column of the eight battalions,' The column torn by artiHcry-ilrc, . And moved eastward by Kiriakoll', Its demeanour, ..... Is halted on the rif^dit rear of the Telegraph, The jiart it had taken in the battle. 288 288 289 289 290 290 XXXVIII. A flanking fire from the French artillery poured upon the troops on the Telegrajdi Height, ..... 290 Condition of things in that part of the field, .... 291 The result of what Kiriakoff' had hitherto observed in the Eng- lish part of the field, 291 His conviction that in that part of the field the English had won the battle, 292 He conforms to the movement of the troops retreating before the English, 293 His retreat not molested by French infantry, .... 294 Kiriakoff's artillery, ........ 294 XXXIX. Great conflux of French troops towards the Telegraph, Capture of the Telegraph, Nature of the comljat at the Telegraph, . Turmoil on the Telegraph Height, . Marshal St Arnaud, .... 295 295 296 297 299 XL. Opportunity of cutting off" some of the enemy's retreating masses, .......... ,300 Vain endeavours of Lord Iiaglan and of Airey to cause the re- quisite advance of French troops, ..... 300 St Arnaud. The extent to which bis mind was brought to bear on the battle, 301