Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/251

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BATTLE OF THE ALMA. 225 JFurther to the left, and in the same formation, chap. the three battalions of the Highland Brigade were _. extended. But the 42d had found less difficulty Advance than the 93d in getting through the thick ground and the river, and, again, the 9od had found less difficulty than the 79th ; so, each regiment hav- ing been formed and moved forward with all the speed it could command, the brigade fell naturaUy into direct Echelon of regiments, the 42d in front. 42d 93d 7yth And although this order was occasioned by the nature of the ground traversed, and not by design, it seemed, nevertheless, so well suited to the work in hand that Sir Colin Campbell did not for a moment seek to change it. These young soldiers, distinguished to the vul- gar eye by their tall stature, their tartan uni- forms, and the plumes of their Highland bonnets, were yet more marked in the eyes of those who know what soldiers are by the warlike carriage of the men, and their strong, lithesome, resolute step. And Sir Colin Campbell was known to be so proud of them, that already, like the Guards, they had a kind of prominence in the army, which was sure to make their bearing in action a broad mark for blame or for praise. VOL. III. P