Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/436

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410 APPENDIX. NOTE II. X.B.—Thn letters "a.b." mean "Artillery Brigade." liiissian troops at the Alma, as posted at the commencemenl of the battle. " The infantry strength is calculated at the rate of 750 men for each bat- talion, and that of the artillery at the rate of 2(33 men for eight heavy guns, and 210 men for the like number of light guns. The strengtli of the cavalry is stated at 3000. on the authority of (ieneral de Todleben's 'Defense" de Sebastopol. '

  • Total opposed to the French, 13i

battalions, 10 guns, and 10,387 men = General de Todleben believed that only one battalion of marines was jire- sent, but on grounds stated in one of the footnotes, I adhere to the opinion that there were two. <^ General de Todleben believed that only half a battalion of sappers was present ; but the difference being un- important, and having stated that there was an entire battalion, on what seemed to me good authority, I allow the statement to remain unclianged. ' Total opijosed to the English, 23^ battalions, 68 guns, and 23,142 men. Shortly after the commencement of the action, four of the squadrons of regular cavalry, and the two Don Cossack batteries— viz , the No. 3 and No. 4 of the 14th Artillery brigade, were moved away to ground opposite the French. / Total held in reserve, 7 battalions, 18 guns, and 5722 men. Shortly after the commencement of the action, the three " Minsk " battalions, and also both the batteries previously held in reserve, were moved to ground oppo- site the French ; and on the other hand, the four "Volhynia" battalions, which then constituted the whole of Prince MentschikofTs reserves, were dealt with by the English alone. From these facts, and from those stated in the last preceding footnote, it results that the French, first ami last, had against them 16 battalions and a half of infantry. 4 squadrons of cavalry, and 44 guns ; whilst the Eng- lish, first and last, to deal with 27 battalions and a half of iufantiy, 16 squadrons and 11 sotnias of cav- alry, and 68 guns ; but, on the other hand, they were relieved in an early period of the action from portions of the cavalry and artillery previously acting against them, beingthenceforth confronted by only 12 squadrons of regular cavalry (instead of 16), and (instead of 08) by only 52 guus. 3 5 a- 73 .3 i

Men. •• Brest regt. militia, . Bialostock do., Taroutine regt., Moscow do., Part (say half) of 6th Rifle battalion, Minsk, No. 4 (light) 17th of a.b., . Marines, <^ Vladimir regt. , 1 Sousdal, . Ouglitz, , ' Kazan, Borodino, Sappers, cf . i Part (say half) of 6th Pdfle battalion, Leuehtenberg regt., . Grand - Duke Saxe- Weimar, 37 th of Don Cossacks, 60th do., No. 3 (light) of 14th a.b., . No. 4, do. do.. No. 1 de position of 16th a.b., . No. 1 (light) of do , . No. 2 (light) of do., . No. 3 position battery of the Don Cossacks, No. 4 (light) of do., . Volhynia regt., Minsk do., No. 5 (light) of 17th a.b., . No. 12 of 6th Iforse Artillery brigade, . Total, . •2 2 4 4 L 'i 1 1500 1500 3000 3000 375 750 262 1500 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 750 375 13600 210 210 394 315 315 263 210e 3000 2250 262 210/ 39,251 10 2 4 4 4 4 4 1 ! 8 8 5 6 8 8 12 12 12 8 8 '... 4" 3 ... 1... 10 8 96 44 16 11