Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 3.djvu/44

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18 BATTLE OF TIIH ALMA. CHAP. I. Formation ortlje Kussian Infantry. Latteries armed the Lesser Iiedoubt, another was on the higli gronnd commanding and supporting the Great Hedoubt, and two were hekl in reserve.* Though subordinated to Prince Gortscliakoff, General Kvetzinski was in immediate command of the troops in this part of the field. As regards the formation of the Russian infan- try in this and other parts of the fiekl, it may be said, speaking generally, that those battalions which operated in the immediate rear of the skirmishers were broken up into columns of com- l-)anies, whilst the battalions supporting them stood massed in columns of attack. On his extreme right, and posted at intervals along a curve drawn from his right front to his centre rear, Prince JMentschikoff placed his six- teen squadrons of regular cavalry and his eleven sotnias of Cossacks, making up altogether a force of 3600 horsemen. Thus, then, it was to bar the Pass and the great road, to defend the Kourgan^ Hill and to cover his right flank, that the Russian General gathered his main strength ; and this was the part of the field destined to be assailed by our troops. That portion, of the Russian force which directly con-

  • Although I necessarily gather the minibers and ilcscrip-

tions of these forces from Kussian authorities, I draw nuR-h of my knowledge of the way in which they were disposed from the observation of ourofHcers ; and it should he observed that the above description, so far as concerns the cavalry, applies rather to the state of the field at the time when the battle was going on, than to the disi)Ositions which Prince Mcntschikofl" may have made in the earlier part of the day.