Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/10

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VI CONTENTS. Chapter II. — continued. Lord Raglan's presence of mind, His orders, ...... An interval, . ..... The Russians losing their opportunity, . The English cavahy coming up, Lord KagLin's words to Lord Lucan, Retreat of the llussian battalion, Pursuit, ...... Prisoners and booty taken. Lord Raglan's words to Ijord C'aidigau, . Mackenzie's Farm, ..... Heavy l)odies of Russian troops seen marchiii: north, ...... The coincidence which brouglit about the coll The extent ;ni(l real iiii))ort of the Eussiai appi-eheuded, . , . . . State of the officer taken prisoner, . Lord Raglan pained and revolted, . The import of the Russian nianli still unajipi' Lord Raglan's march resumed, The Mackenzie Heights, Our army reaching the Tcliernaya, . March of the French, .... Cathcart's duties on the Belbec, Lord Raglan on the Tchernaya, His communication with Cathcait and the adi The march resumed on the 26tii, Lord Raglan before Balaclava, Fire opened from one of the old castles, . Lord Raglan's measures, .... Ships' guns heard, ..... Surrender of Balaclava, .... Commandant's reason for not snn-endering at i Lord Raglan entering Balaclav.i. Demeanour of the inhabitants. Lord Raglan riding towards the water's edge, And an vissel of war coming in, Lord Raglan's first words. The little harbour and town (quickly filled, off- towar sion, mov( hent (Is the it not liiab