Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/487

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APPENDIX. 457 NOTE III. The Flank March. The Order given to Lord Lucax. Memorandum. The Cavalry Division supported by the second battalion Eitie Brigade will proceed on reconnaissance in a direction S.S.E., towards a spot marked on the map ' Mackenzie's ' Farm,' on the great road leading to Sebastopol. This road "vvill be watched both ways, and reported on. The Cavalry will not descend into the road. There is a deep ravine or gully running about N.E., commencing at ruins of Inker- man, which it will be desirable to report upon as to prac- ticability. An officer Avould be sent back as soon as possible with Earl Lucan's report. (Signed) EICHARD AIREY, Quartermaster-General. NOTE IV. Letter printed in ' L'Expedition db Crimee ' of a French Divisional General whose name is not given by M. de Bazancourt. Les batiments qui portaient le materiel de si6ge arrivaieut en meme temps a Balaclava ; mais on ^tait si loin de s'at- tendre aux difficultes que Ton allait rencontrer, qu'il fut questions de ne pas debarquer ce mat(^riel, et qu'on parut dispose h. tenter une attaque de vive force contre Sebastopol. C'est injustement, selon nous, que Ton a conclu du parti pris par les G(5ndraux Allies, qu'ils avaient manqu^ de re- solution en cette circonstance. Si les Eusses, refugids apr^a