Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 4.djvu/96

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f»G SEDASTOrOL ON THE MAY OF THE ALM.V. CHiVrTER IV. I. CHAP. Such was the condition of tilings at SeLastopol '. — when, on the 20th of September, the telegraph ^nrheday announced to the garrison that the Allies were " * "'^" advancing to assail Prince Mentschikoff in his position on the Alma heights. At half-past one, the cannonade which marked the opening of the battle was hoard in the town, and at two there came from the telegraph at Cape Lonkoul a message, destined to be its last, — 'The army is ' engaged with the enemy.' Already KornilofT Kornii.^fTs was on horscback, and riding, with Colonel de Todiei.011 Todleben, towards the sound of the guns.* We thefieM shall sce bv-and-by that from a distance of 3000 of battle. ., , " 1 i • ,. 1 T miles, the care and the sagacity ol a news-dcalmg company on the banks of the Thames had enabled it to point out the day as well as the place of the

  • Without distinguishing from others those facts which I

owe to personal communicatinns from General de Todleben, I wish to acknowledge generally the immeastirahlc advantage which I have derived from the repeated, lengthened, and most iiitcrcstins conversation.s with which the General honoured mc