Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 8.djvu/18

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xiv CONTENTS. Chapter VI. — continued. ill. Opening and continuation of the April l.'Ml>ardinent, . . 138 Continuance and general effect of the lininliardinent, . . 139 Over both the Town front, and the eastern part of the Fau- bourg, ......... 139 But not over the intermediate batteries directly confronted by the English, Ill IV. What kept within limits the battering-power of the 1 11 Incompleteness of some of the English preparative. . . 142 The Left Attack, 142 The arming of its two advanced batteries delayed, . . .113 The angry impatience thus caused, . . . . . .144 Its apparent cil'ect, . . . . . . • .145 A coincidence, . . . . . . • • .145 Order given to Captain Oldershaw, 146 And executed the same night, 12th April. The advanced No. VII. completed, and its guns before sunset engaged with the enemy, . . . .146 Decision said to have been based on observation of I encounter, . . . . . . . . . .11/ V. The two advanced batteries of our Left Attack, . . . 147 The 'advanced No. VII.,' 148 The enemy's accustomed way of dealing with an advanced battery, 148 Great, yet insufficient strength of its parapet, . . . 150 The ways of a cannon-ball when obstructed without !>• stopped, 151 The 'advanced No. VIII.,' VI. The order directing Captain Oldershaw to engage the ' ad- 'vanced No. VII. battery* on the 13th of April, . . 153 Captain Oldershaw, . . . . . . . .154 Entering the battery, 155 Its state, 155