Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/153

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work, carrying with them, however, their distinguished prisoner the commander Boudistcheff, who had fallen wounded into their hands. After The English driving the Russians back into the fortress. making a rally, and re-entering the field-work, our people once more engaged the enemy, and bewildered or depressed by the loss of both Boudistcheff and Khomenko, the Russians faltered a while, but again were led on by Captain Reutlinger of the Engineers, and they rescued the valiant Boudistcheff their wounded commander; but presently, Reutlinger himself was wounded in the head; and our people returning to the charge drove all the Russians out of the Work and back once more into the fortress. The young Engineer officer, Lieutenant Lowry, had survived the perilous task of conducting one of our storming-parties, but long after, was killed whilst rallying our men in the night-time for this last victorious charge.

Attack made by the Volhynia regiment. Somewhat later, and when the night had become more dark than before, another attempt to recover the counter-approaches was made by the Voihynia regiment, then forming a single battalion. Though the effort was resisted by our Its progress; people with great determination and energy, the regiment under Colonel Snelkoff its chief proved able to enter the Work, but under a fresh effort and final discomfiture. made by the English soldiery was presently forced to yield ground. After falling back upon the second line of the counter-approaches the Volhynia regiment rallied and made a rush upon the counter-approaches in front, but, its Colonel being