ened duration ; for both the battalion of Chasseurs chap.
which had conquered its way into a part of the
Faubourg, and the little body of 80 Engineers
which had seized the Gervais Battery held what
they had each of them won with persistent
valour; and on the other hand, General d'Aute-
rnarre's efforts to reinforce the bold men thus
maintaining themselves in the fortress were de-
feated one after another by the severity of the
fire poured down on his troops from the enemy's
powerful batteries.
The motives that needs must have urged him to
effect the reinforcement attempted were beyond
measure strong ; for, to compass the object pur-
sued, was not only to support his brave French-
men then holding all they had seized within the
lines of the fortress, but also by that very act to
gain means of operating effectively (because from
within the defences) against the flank and rear of
the Malakoff; whilst, to fail in sending clown rein-
forcements would be to abandon the victors who
had lodged themselves in the fortress, but also
to surrender all hope of seeing the day end in
Whilst striving, though vainly, to succour those
of his men who had torn their way into the for-
tress, General d'Autemarre likewise was praying
to be himself reinforced ; and Pelissier met the ap-
peal by calling up from his reserve the whole regi-
ment of the Zouaves of the Guard ; * but these
- He could not throw forward the two brigades with which
he had consented to form an intermediate reserve, because, as