Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/370

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340 INDEX. — inaction of, with 20.000 fr< sh tro ; i, 164 — its c of ] toi ci s, viii. 110— li ix. 24, 42, 64, 67, 95, 210 et seq., Gortch Peter, conn the r i tie English at /., 2 S note, 238— his narrative, 419 note, 247, 283— on Russian retreat, 294 note, 31S. Gough, Major, iii. 158. I i power, vii. 4G1 note. Government, personal, i. 6— compari- son between this system and thai of governing through a council, ib. — in France, Russia, Austria, and 1' 10— effect of, by the Czar, ii. 124 by the Emperor of Austria, 125— by the King of Prussia, 123— by the French Emperor, ib. Government, the new, the war mea- sures of the, vii. 2S4 — con

of our people, 236 et seq.

Goze, Li< ut.-Colonel, vi. 361. i . Colonel, ii. 203. Graham, Captain, iv. S87, 392 note, 395 et seq. Graham, General Sir Gerald, ix. 169, 171, 172, 173, 175, ISO— the admira- tion bestowed on his ladder-party, 181, 185. Graham, Lieut., at April bombard viii. 156, 164— struck down by round- 166 and note, 174. Graham, Sir James, iv. 26S note, 35S note ; vii. 282, : ; n7, 460— refuses a

noi e ; ix. 453.

Grand-Dukes Nicholas and Michael, arrival of, at Sebastopol, viii. 79 — oificanee of their presence, ib. i 1 Thornton, his command at Inkerman, vi. 35, 95, 110, 112, 122, 126, 156, 164; ix. 119 et seq. Grant. Mr, vii. 406 note. Granville, Lieut., iii. 124 note. shot wound on I lie head not re- sulting in death, ix. 313. at., and his ladder-party, ix. 1S6. I ad, Lieut, iv. 443. . and Latin Churches, quarrel be- tween the monks of the, in Palestine, i. I G Chu in Turkey, the, and a Russian Protect 135 e for the protectorate of, a cause of the war. 877; iv. 103, 104.

I, Mr Henry, vii. 461 note.

Grecnlnll trenches, the, iv. 299 note. d Hill,' the, iv. 217, 264, ! 420, 424. i ;,.■■ nwoo 1, Captain, iii. 153. Greig, M ijor, iv 72. ■ : ds, iii. 22) et seq. — loss of the, 2' sustained by the, vi. 190.

r Guards and Sir G

i, iii. 412. lie, Lord, and ' 'I I Adrninistral ion, vii. 401 note. Greville, Captain, i. 258. Greville, Finch, Captain, vi. 254, Grey, Lord, ii. G ral, v. 45, 51. Griffith, Colonel, v. 117, 138. Guards, the, iii. 128- the rivalry be- en the, and the line, 129, 138. Guards of English tienches, fewness Of, viii. 2 >, 360. Gubbins, Captain, vi. 7S note. Gubbins, Lieutenant, viii. 216 note. Guerin, Colonel, viii. 211. Guthrie, Mr, President of the College of Surgeons, vii. 407 note. Guyon, General, ii. 268. Gwilt, Captain, viii. 215 note. Had.ji-Boulat, iii. 3. Hadji road, iii. 61. Hafiz Pasha, i. 53. Haines, Colonel, vi. 356— undertakes the defence of the Barrier, 3^4, 369, 371, 337, 410, 42! . 133. Balford, Lieutenant, v. 15^.

i . Major, v. 23S, 327.

Hall, Dr, vii. 129— his examination of the hospitals in the Levant, 133— his reports on the medical stores, 465. Haly, Colonel, iii. I Hamelin, Admiral, ii. 256, 258, 262, 2S0, 2 9, 3 1, I note; iii. 20 note; iv. 269 note, 275, 317, 335 el seq. — his signal to his fleet, 350, 351, 405 rt seq., 414. Hamilton, Captain, ii. 35 '. Hamilton, Colonel Sir Charles, iii. 223, I. 419. Hamilton, Colonel F., vi. 185 note. Hamilton, Lieutenant Rob rt, ii Hamilton, Mr, in Eupatoria, ii. 326; viii. 46. Hamilton, v. 77. Haniley, Captain, v. 371 note — bis arrival with three guns. vi. 1" iful ii e of the pieces, ib., 1S4, 1S5, 265. Hamley's, Colonel, 'The Campaign of Sebast Hampton, Cornet, v. 150. Hancorne, Mr, iv, 39S note. i dley, v. 117. r ravine, the, iv. 226, 434. Hardenl erg, i. 356. Harding, Captain, i. 386 ni te, 84 1. Hardin ; Lieut.-t olonel, vii. it i note. Hardinge, Colonel, at Inkerman, vi. 231, 232. Hardin ;e, Lord, i li ai i l Airey's letter to, on the siege of Sebastopol, iv 210; v. 21, 2 <— Commander-in-chief • at the Horse Guards, vii. 28, 45, 270,