Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/19

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CONTENTS XUl Chaptek VI. — continued. Prince Mentschikoff's written orders for the attack on Mount Inkerman, ....••••• The subsidiary directions framed by Soimonoff and I'auloU', Interposition of Dannenberg, His first set of instructions, His subsequent attempts to overturn the accepted jilan, And cause Soimonoff to attack by the "Victoria Ridge, Prince Mentschikoff's non-interference, . Soimonoff's final determination, .... Its effect, .....••• The ascent of ilount Inkerman as about to be actually under taken, ^^ 89 90 91 91 92 93 93 94 FIRST PERIOD. FROM 5.45 A.M. TO 7.30 A.M. I. Soimonoff's march, Continuation of Soimonoff's march, .... His advance in order of battle, ..... One of the Light Division pickets surprised and partly cap tured, ....-.••• Captain Goodlake's interposition, .... The reserves, .....•••• Soimonoff's undisturbed advance to the verge of Shell Hill, II. The English pickets at night, . .... 94 The 2d Division called to arms as usual before sunrise, . . 97 The relief of their pickets, 97 III. The new pickets, ^' The enemy ai length discerned and checked by Rowland's picket, . . .....-• 97 Russian batteries established on Shell Hill, .... 98