Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 6.djvu/38

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XXX 11 CONTENTS. Chapter VI. — cuntinned. His array when there, ....... Atlvaiicc of a Russian cohimn on Bosquet's left, Peril and escape of Bosquet, Divergent retreat of the Frencli, The havoc wrouglit in Boussiniere's batteries, Their removal from the Fore Ridge, .... The Russians blind to their opportunity, and attempting pursuit, Canroljert at the seat of danger. His cavalry brouglit up, Its retreat, ..... Despair of the French, . Their considerate intimation to Dickson, Present effect of the reverse sustained by the French, The Allies in jeopardy, ...... 394 398 398 398 399 400 400 400 400 401 401 401 402 403 The enemy's inaction, 404 Encouragement derivable from the continued success of the English, 404 Aspect of things on Home Ridge, 404 VI. Returning hopefulness of the French troops, . Bosquet's measures, ..... The wiug of the O.'jth in St Clement's Gorge, . Advance of the Zouave battalion, . Reappearance of some Coldstream men under Townshend Wilson, Defeat of the Selinghinsk battalions. Operations of the 7th Leger and 6th of the Line, The Barrier still held fast, .... 11 A.M. Close of the combats undertaken by French infantry 405 40(J 406 406 407 407 410 410 410