Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 7.djvu/28

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XXiv CONTENTS. CHAPTEK III. THE WAIl ADMINISTRATION OF ENGLAND. I. The English system of military administration as existing befoi'i' tlio (juarrel with Russia, . . . , . .11 The Ministry oi" War and Colonies, ..... 12 The War Office, 12 11. Causes which prevented England from having a real War Department, . . . . . . . . .14 III. The Horse Guards, 21 Standing compromise between the Horse Guards and the 'Government,' ......... 26 Quaint expedient of the Letter of Service, .... 26 General effect of the standing compromise, . . . .27 The Ordnance, 28 The Victualling and the Transi)ort sub-departments of the Admiralty, . . . . . . . . .29 The Army Medical service, ....... 29 The Commissariat, . . . . . .... 33 Sir Charles Trevelyan's rapid creation of a Commissariat lone for foreign service, ........ 34 Duties, pt)wcrs, and status of a Commissariat force administer- ing to an English army in the field, ..... 30 The old army olfices without experience derived from I'eccnt campaigns, .......... 38 IV. Changes made in our system of war administration, . . 38 The Duke of Newcastle Secretary of State for War, . . 38 The authority he exercised, ....... 38 General readiness of the old army offices to act under his guid- ance, ...... 39 Want of official machinery at the disposal of the Duke of New- castle, .......... 39 His capacity as a war administrator, ..... 40 Further changes made in our administrative machinery, . . 40