Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 7.djvu/494

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450 APPENDIX. enterprise that were brought to bear on the objects from the other side of the Atlantic. The success of that ' partnership for the ' purpose of war news ' which had been formed between one of our London newspapers and the ' New York Tribune ' was an era in the joui-nalism of Europe, though not in that of the United States, where the advance had an older date, deriving from their great civil wai-. I cannot speak of the ' New York Tribune ' without thinking of one of its concpiests achieved in another direction. Years ago, it established in London a kindly, highly- gifted correspondent, whose charming house has done more than the stateliest embassies could well have achieved towards dispers- ing old, narrow prejudices, and creating and maintaining good- will, affection, and friendship between the two great English nations. Note 5. — And drive them ' out of the market.' — Lord Raglan, private letter to Duke of Newcastle, 17th September 1854. Note 6. — 'I am afraid,' he wrote, ' that these gentlemen ' [those he had before called ' the gentlemen of the press '] ' will circu- ' late many unfounded impressions, and exercise an undue and ' baleful influence on the public mind, however ill-informed they ' may be on the subjects which they discuss ; but what cannot be ' cured must be endured, and we must make as light of the evil ' as we can, and pursue, notwithstanding their denunciations, the ' course which we may consider [it] our duty to follow. It ap- ' pears to me that the only way to diminish the importance of ' correspondents is not to notice their reports unless, as in the ' present case, they become matters of discussion in Parliament.' — Private letter to Duke of Newcastle, 14th May 1854. Note 7. — A glance back to what is said of the Commissariat in Chapter III. will show how it was possible that a power to bestow rations upon civilians in Lord Raglan's camp shouhl be vested in the Treasury. Note 8. — A Division in camp is apt to take a tone from its chief; and (Jathcart we saw (see ante, vol. v. of Cabinet Edition) was in a highly critical frame of mind. It was natural that after ins death, on the 5th of November, the tone should for some time continue. Note 9. — [Private] ' Before Sebastopol, Novemher 13, 1854. ' My dear Dukk of Newcastle, — The perusal of the article ' in the " Times " of the 2,'^d of Octo})er, headed " The War," ob- ' ligjs me in discliarge of my duty to draw your Grace's attention