Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/21

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COx^TENTS. XV Chaptkr Iir. — continued. Kuptuie of diiiloiuatic relations, ...... 37 The Czar prepares to invade Turkey, ..... 38 Fleets enter the Ku.xinc, 38 CHAFrKlJ IV. Military error of the Czar in occnpying Wallachia, . . 31» Of this Omar Paslia takes .skilful advantaf^'c, .... 39 His aiitunui and winter campaigns, ... . .40 Embarrassment and distress of th(! Czar, .... 42 He resorts for aid to Pa.skievitch, ...... 42 Paskievitcli's counsels, ........ 43 Movement of troops in the Kussian Empire, .... 45 CHAPTER V. Sir John Burgoyne and Colonel Ardent despatched to the Levant, 4il Troops sent to Malta, ........ 47 Tendency of this measure, ....... 47 Jlinisters determine to propose but a small increase of the army, 48 Continuance of Lord Aberdeen's imprudent language, . . 48 CHAPTER VI. The French Emperor's letter to the Czar, ... .50 Mission to St Petersburg from the English Peace Party, . 53 CHAPTER VII. Temper of the English an obstacle to the maintenance of peace, 56 Their desire for war, ........ 5(3 of the apiiarent change iu tiieir feeling, . . .56 State of feeling in the spring of 1853, ..... 61 Effect of the Czar's aggression upon the public mind, . 61 Still in foreign affairs the nation looks for guidance to public men, 62 Lord Aberdeen, ......... 62 ilr Gladstone, .......... 65 u