Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/24

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Xviii CONTENTS. Chapter XI. — continued. Ill other rcsiiccts Pruss-iii disfluuged her duty, . . . 137 As dill also the Gcrinaii Coiifeileiatioii, 138 Share whieh the Freiieh Goveiniiieut had in causing the War, 139 Share which Kiigland had in causing it, HI The volitions which governed events, Hi' CHAPTEll XII. The commanders of the French and the English armies, . 152 Marshal St A rnand, 152 Lonl Ftaglan, 1(54 Marshal St Arnaud and Lord Kaglan brought together at the Tuileries, . . . . . . . . . .174 Conference at the Tuileries 179 Lord Piaglan's departure, ....... 183 The French and the English troops on the shores of the Dardanelles, . . . . . . . . .183 Cordial intercourse between the two armies, . . . .183 St Arnaud's scheme for obtaining the command of the Turkish army, . . . . . . • • • .184 St Arnaud in the presence of Lord Stratford and Lord Kaglan, 186 His scheme defeated, . . . . . . . .189 His scheme for obtaining the command of English troops, . 189 This also defeated, 190 Attempts of this kind checked by the French Emperor, . . 190 St Arnaud suddenly declines to move liis army towards the seat of war, 190 Lord liaglan's disapproval of the proposed delay, . . .192 St Arnaud's sudden determination to take uj) a defensive posi- tion in rear of the l>alkan, ....... 193 Lord Raglan's determined resistance to this plan, . .194 Lord Kaglan refuses to jdacc any jtart of his army behind the Balkan, 198 St Arnaud gives way, abandons his plan of a position behind the Balkan, and consents to move his army to Varna, . 198 The armies moved accordingly, 199 Bos([U('t's overland march, . . . . . . .199 TLe way in which St Arnaud's schemes escaped publicity, . 200