Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/310

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280 OUDEliS AKJJ PllEPAKATiONS CHAPTER XVII. CHAP. On the 18th of July a conference took place at XVII ]Iarshal St Arnaud's headquarters. It was at- couference tended by the Marshal, by Lord Eaglan, and by Jm^^^rs'"'^' Admiral Hamelin, by Admiral Bruat (who was the second in command of the French fleet), by Vice-Admiral Dundas, and by Eear-Admiral Sir Edmund Lyons, who was the second in command of the English fleet. It lasted four hours. Perhaps most of the members of the conference imagined that they were met for the purpose of determining upon the expediency of undertaking the invasion ; but Lord Eaglan had already determined — not merely to support the wish of his Government in the Allied camp, but — to cause its actual adoption ; and he was so constituted that he could bring the resources of liis mind to bear upon the object in view with as much iibuiidance and slreiigtli as if ]o. had liimself approved or even devised it. Clearly a discussion upon the expediency of undertaking the enter- prise would have been fatal to it ; for no member of the conference, except Lyons and (]')0ssibly)