Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/342

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312 VOYAGE OF THE ARMADA CHAP. XX. 8t Amaiid disabled by illness Unsigned paper read to the con- ference. the Marshal sitting up, but in a state of much suffering, and they were informed that he was very ill. He, however, sat at the conference ; and the other persons present were — Admiral Hameliu, Admiral Bruat, Admiral Count Buat Wiliaumez, Colonel Trochu, General Eose, Vice- Admiral Dundas, and Colonel Steele. The Mar- shal took no part in the discussion which ensued. It seems he could hardly speak. It was stated that the meeting had been sum- moned in order that a paper might be read to it. The document bore no signature, and Marshal St Arnaud was no party to it ; but it was stated that it emanated from General Canrobert, General Mar- timprey, and the principal officers of the French artillery and engineers ; and it M'as said, too, that General Eose* had furnished some of the ma- terials from which it had been composed. The document took it for granted that there were three places for landing which merited dis- cussion — the Katcha, the Yetsa, and Kaffa ; and it then went on to show the advantages and the drawbacks which would attend an attempt to land at each of those three spots. The objections to the landincr at the Katcha were stated with so • Now, LordStralliiiiiini, the oflicer spoken of as Colonel Rose in Vol. I. He was at this time accreditfd as British Commis- eioner at the French lieadquartors. I have no reason for sup- posing that he intended to give any sanclicn to the step taken by the Fren('h remonstrants ; and I imagine that any materials which he may have put in their hands must have been confined to maps or statements showing the physical character of the country about to Le invaded.