Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/351

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ACROSS THE BLACK SEA. 321 But Marshal St Ariiaud, whose illness scarce chap. XX three days before seemed bringiug him fast to his ' end, was now almost suddenly restored, and on fua'^^u"*^'^ the morning of the 13th he was like a man in ""ecovcry. health. During the interval of five days, in The progrese which the Marshal's illness had invested his Lord Rlgiau English colleague with a supreme control, Lord MarsiTaVs illiicss Eaglan had used to the full the occasion which Fortune thus gave him. In that time he had repressed the efforts of the French Generals who strove to bring the enterprise to a stop ; he had committed the Allies to a descent upon the enemy's shores — on his shores to the north of Sebastopol ; he had reconnoitred the coast ; he had chosen the place for a landing; and mean- while he had drawn the fleets on, so that now, when men looked from the decks, they could see the thin strip of beach where the soldiery of tb.e Allies were to land. VOL n.