Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/426

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39 G APPENDIX. Article III. In order also to give due security and force to the condi- tions of the offensive and defensive alliance now concluded, the two Great German Powers bind themselves, in case of need, to hold in perfect readiness for war a part of their forces, at periods to be determined between them, and in positions to be fixed. With respect to the time, the extent, and the nature of the placing of those troops, a special stipulation will likewise be determined. Article IV. The High Contracting Parties will invite all the German Governments of the Confederation to accede to this alli- ance, with the understanding that the federal obligations existing in virtue of Article 47 of the final Act of Vienna will receive the same extension for the States who accede as the present Treaty stipulates. Article V. Neither of the two High Contracting Parties will, during the duration of this alliance, enter into any separate alli- ance with other Powers which shall not be in entire har- mony with the basis of the present Treaty. Article VI. The present Convention shall be ratified as soon as pos- sible by the High Contracting Sovereigns. Done at Berlin, April 20, 1854.* (L.S.) HENRY BON. DE HESSE. (I..S.) F. THUN. (L.S.) ]50N. OTir. THEOD. MANTEUFFEL. • i.e., ten days after the date of the Anglo-Fretich alliance.