Page:The invasion of the Crimea vol. 2.djvu/445

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AlTEiNDIX. 415 cause of no serious delay, as Eritisli tiansports Lad never even arrived at the Point, to the southward of which a buoy is said to have been pLiced. If the choosing of the beach was left in the hands of the Freiieh, they certainly gave us the advantage of position, our landing-place hav- ing the lake at the back, and being less circumscribed. Had it been decided to land both armies in the bay selected by the French, the space on the beach would not have sufficed for the work, and serious confusion would have ensued, while the anchorage would have been too limited for the assembling of so many vessels. T am, Sir, your obedient servant, ^Y. R. ilENDS. Captain, 11. N. United Service Club, Pall Mall, March 18. SECOND LETTER. M)- KiiKjlaJce to Caj'jfain Mends. VI St James's Place, April 4, 1S63. Sir, — I have the honour to enclose an extract from that part of Lord Eaglan's private letter to the Secretary of AVar which relates to the affair of the buoy. Since the appearance of your letter to the newspaper, you have probably received some communications on the subject ; and if there be anything in those communica- tions, or in the enclosed extract from Lord Eaglan's letter, which is calculated to modify the impression under which 3'ou thought it your duty to come forward and question my statement, I feel certain that you will take the course which your own sense of fairness must dictate. I have the honour to be. Sir, your obedient humble servant. (Signed) A. W. KINGLAKE. Captain Mknds, Pv.N., kc. kc. &c.