Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/100

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tear his eyes away from it, so he left them there. Let him tell you what he saw.

The Blind Soldier:

I beheld it as a single golden and fiery flower, and then I saw no more.

Second Disabled Soldier:

And what do you see now?

The Blind Soldier:

My eyes—I see only my eyes.

Second Disabled Soldier:

And what do you feel?

The Blind Soldier:

A song.

The Crowd:

Sing to us, blind man. Sing about the Land of Hopes.

The Blind Soldier:

I will sing about those who served under Elan Chol.

The Crowd:

Elan Chol’s company.

First Disabled Soldier:

He’s one of that company. Sing now!

The Blind Man:

We served under Elan Chol the renowned.
“Long live our captain!” the hundred of us said.
He went ahead,
Seeking for death on the battle-ground.
Elan Chol, by him we were led,
And those hundred lads of his are around.