Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/15

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The Drunkard:

It was rocking?

Second Street-Sweeper:

I should think it was! And what a racket it made, too!

The Drunkard:

It isn’t true!

First Street-Sweeper:

It was all swinging——

The Drunkard:

It wasn’t.

Second Street-Sweeper:

But we tell you the earth was tottering——

The Drunkard:

And I say it wasn’t!

First and Second Street-Sweeper:

Then go and sleep it off.

The Drunkard:

I won’t, and it wasn’t rocking. The earth? Ha, ha! why should the earth be rocking? Ha, ha! it wasn’t rocking. The earth? Ha, ha! it was me who was tottering. As soon as I’ve had a drop to drink, everything swings around me.

First Street-Sweeper:

Well, but we tell you the earth was rocking——

The Drunkard:

But it wasn’t. It was me who was drunk——