Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/40

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Second Man:

Pooh! they’re human beings same as what we are.

The Stripling:

But they’ve got their eye on us like a couple of bulldogs. Hi! what are you staring at?

First Man:

I’ve come across that fat one before. He ran me in once. For being disorderly, so he said.

The Stripling:

Yes, he’s a bad ’un. I know him from the demonstrations.

Second Man:

But the other one isn’t, though. He only keeps saying: “Now then, people, don’t be silly.”

First Man:

They’re keeping watch on the platform.

The Stripling:

They’ve got enough flags here. I suppose it’s celebrations again for somebody who’s dead.

First Man:

They wouldn’t celebrate us like that.

Second Man:

Nobody cares a rap about a poor man. But these aren’t celebrations for somebody who’s dead.

First Man:

What are they for, then?