Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/46

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It is pure and virginal.
God’s spirit still hovers above it.
Not yet have birds carried the seed of the first tree to it,
Not yet do the springs moisten its mountains,
Not yet has human tread entered it.

Fair is that region and blessed,
Happier than its sisters.
It is a new continent without sin—
A sixth continent, a new paradise,
Better than the others,
The new world of our hopes.
Not yet have human blood and torment tainted it,
Not yet do human misery and brawl abide therein.
Angels soar over it.
Over it are uplifted our dreams and eternal yearnings.

Elan Chol:

This is that land.

The Beloved and the Lover:

This is that land.

The Crowd:

This is that land.


Bare your heads before the sixth continent,
The creation of ancient dreams,
The youngest daughter of earth
Who is mother of all continents and peoples.