Page:The land of many names (1926).pdf/94

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An Old Mother:

My son! He so much wanted to reach this New Land! He was so glad to go to the war! Didn’t you see him? Why didn’t he come with you? They sent me a message that he was killed. But I don’t believe it. He was my son. I don’t believe it. Tell me, when is he coming?

Second Disabled Soldier:

Hm! Well, he’s coming—later.

An Old Mother:

I know he’s coming. He’s such a smart lad. It’s impossible that such a boy as mine could be killed. I know that he’ll return. I’m waiting for him; he’ll come——

The Sodiers:

You just wait. He’ll come back—later on.

An Old Mother:

He’ll come. No, he isn’t dead, I know. I’m waiting. Of course, he’ll return——


A Widow:

Listen to me. But don’t comfort me; don’t tell me lies, I know that my husband is dead. All I ask of you is to tell me when you last saw him—tell me, try and recall when you last saw him, and what message he left for me.

First Disabled Soldier (sobs).

A Widow:

Oh, speak! See, I am not weeping. Just tell me when you saw him last, what he said, what was his message to me.