Page:The letters of John Hus.djvu/233

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within us which we suffer at the hands of them on whose loyalty we presumed: for along with the body’s loss we are crucified by the pains of a lost love.” So Jerome.[1] My pain obviously proceeds from Palecz. Truly our doctor of Biberach rises above Lord Henry [Lacembok] and above Master John [Cardinalis], rector of Janowicz. As for the rest, please God, it shall be known hereafter. Let our doctor of Biberach carry out the lesson he has given me and let him keep the secret of my letters to himself,[2] for Christ saith: A man’s enemies shall be they of his own household.[3] Item, you shall be betrayed by your parents, etc.[4] Farewell, and all of you who are together, have constancy in Constance! Please give my greeting to all my friends but judiciously, lest they should say, “How do you know that he greeted us?”

In the recently published Diary of Cardinal Fillastre we read: ‘In the meantime’—i.e., before February 16—‘we dealt with the errors of Wyclif. But the whole business was put off, through our handling the way of cession.’ (ed. Finke, op. cit. p. 166). This last was a proposal of the French Cardinals D’Ailli and Fillastre—first made on February 15—that the three rival Popes should all resign. This led to the delays in the further treatment of the case of Hus to which Chlum alludes—‘the foreign and irrelevant matter’—in the following letter to Hus. The matter of the cession was further discussed on February 21 and 28, and by the beginning of March had become the settled conviction of the Council. On March 5—the day of the arrival of the embassy of the French King (Charles)—the Council proposed to the Pope that he should issue a bull consenting to this ‘method
  1. Not from Jerome at all, but loosely quoted from Bede’s In Lucæ Evang. Expositio, c. xxi. in loc. (ed. Giles or Migne).
  2. De literisi.e., how Robert the gaoler brought them in and out as well as their existence. See also first sentence on p. 193, supra.
  3. Matt. x. 36.
  4. Luke xxi. 16.