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Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/240

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228 The Librayy. At 2 p.m. a visit will be paid to the Chisvvick Press in Took's Court, Chancery Lane, when the party will be conducted, and the processes explained, by Mr. Jacobi. At 4 p.m. a visit will be paid to the atelier of Mr. Zashnsdorf, Cambridge Circus, who will himself explain the different processes of binding. THURSDAY, JUNE 2ist, at 10 a.m. The works of the Linotype Company will be visited. At 11.30. Messrs. Cassell & Co, have invited the School to visit their works in La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, E.C. FRIDAY, JUNE 22nd, at 10 a.m. The party will visit the Library of Sion College, where the system of Classification will be explained by the Rev. W. H. Milman, the librarian. At 2.30 p.m., the party will assemble at the Wandsworth Public Library, and from thence, at 2.45, proceed to visit the Royal Paper Mills. After visiting the Mills, the members are very kindly invited by Mr. Cecil Davis, the librarian, to return to the Library, where tea will be provided. PUBLIC LIBRARIES. It was found last year that visits paid to these libraries by large parties did not admit of detailed examination of methods, and in consequence, this year it has been arranged that the members of the School shall visit the libraries independently. They will be received by the librarians, or their assistants, and every facility offered to them for a careful examination of the various libraries. The libraries, of which a list is appended, will be open to inspection. NOTE. The Proprietors of the Times have kindly offered to admit a party of six to see the printing of a First Edition. Those members of the School who would like to join this party should give their names at once to the Honorary Secretary. The party will then be selected by lot. The attendance was considerably better than last year, and included members from such distant places as Glasgow and Cardiff. On this occasion the number of lady members was larger; as many as nine being present. The Exhibition of Library Appliances arranged by Mr. J. D. Brown, hon. curator of the Association's Museum at Clerkenwell, was an excellent one and evoked keen interest among the mem- bers who had the opportunity of examining the exhibits. PRIZE ESSAY. As intimated in the Yearbook, the editor of THE LIBRARY renews his offer of a prize of three pounds for the best report on the proceedings at the Summer School of 1894. He regrets that he is not able to offer a second prize of a set of THE LIBRARY, as many of the earlier numbers are now out of print. Prize essays must be received by him not later than July 3ist. Joint reports will be eligible for the prize.