Page:The library a magazine of bibliography and library literature, Volume 6.djvu/435

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Index. 423 Clark's (J. W.) " Libraries in the Medie- val and Renaissance Periods," 289 Clarke, Archibald, on Scientific Text- Books and the Disposal of Out-of- Date Editions, 164 Clarke, J. H., appointed Librarian at Owens College, 408 Classification of Books (see also under Cataloguing, &c.) : The Classification of Books in the Natural Sciences, Prof. W. H. Trail on, 13 " Library Classification," by V. I. Fletcher, 157 Claydon Village Library, 185 Clerkenwell Public Library : Open Shelves in the Lending Library, 89 The Dawn of a New Epoch, by J. Y. W. MacAlister, 212 The Open Lending Library, by J. D. Brown and H. W. Fincham, 344 Report, 275 Answers and the Music Section, 146 Cloughton, Yorks : Reading - Room opened (May 19, '94), 221 Clouston's (W. A.) "Hieroglyphic Bibles," 260 Colchester Public Library : G. W. Atkinson appointed Librarian, 2 53 Electric Light, 281 Collins's (Victor) Catalogue of the Li- brary of Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte, 322 Colne (Lanes.) : Acts adopted (April, '94) ? 150 Colonial Institute, see Royal Colonial Institute Colonial Public Libraries (see also Aus- tralia), J. R. Boose on, 391 Commissioners, see under Legal Notes Compound Householders : Legal Query, 276, 277 Constantinople : Sultan's Library, 124 Copyright and Literary Property ; Letter from J. Taylor Kay, 185 Cork Public Library : Polemical Books, 409 Cotgreave Indicator : Letters, 324, 417 County Council Grants for Technical Education Purposes, see under Tech- nical Education Covent Garden (St. Paul), see St. Martin- in-the-Fields Coventry Public Library : Theft, 253 Cripplegate Library, 151 Cronstadt Naval Library, 284 Cummingston, Elgin, Library, 405 Curran, Henry E., on the Public Libra- rian and Titles of Honour, 412 DANOAR, F. H., on the Royal C Institute, 218 Darlington Public Library : Assessment, 405 Darwen Public Library : List of Books added to the Library, 1891-3, 84 Catalogue of School Libraries, 229 New Building opened (Oct. 8, '94), 363 Albert Cawthorne appointed Libra- rian, 405 Free Access to Bookshelves, 405 Decimal Classification of Melvil Dewey : Prof. J. W. H. Trail on the Classifica- tion of Books in the Natural Sciences, 13 Delisle, Leopold, On Cheap Paper, 147 His " Bibles de Gutenberg d'apres les Recherches de Karl Dziatzko," 365 Denmark : The Charging System at Horsens, by A. S. Steenbere, 78 Dent, R. K., On the Blacking-out Question, 127 On Free Lectures in connection with Free Public Libraries, 354 Deptford : Acts rejected, 254 Derby : Midland Railway Institute, 414 Dewey's (Melvil) Decimal Classification, see Decimal Classification Dewsbury Public Library : Branch Read- ing Room in the Public Parks, 121 ; opened (July 2, '94), 253 Diamond, T. P., appointed Librarian at Oswestry, 152 District Councils and Library Com- mittees, 416 District Public Libraries, J. J. Ogle on, 42 Dobson's (Austin) "Little Passion" of Albert Durer, 117 Dorchester : Theological Library in the Museum, 405 Doubleday, W. E., appointed Librarian at Hampstead, 282 Dover and the Public Libraries Acts, 150, 178 Downpatrick and a Public Library, 405 Drumoak (Aberdeenshire) Public Library opened (Jan. 9, '94), 88 Dublin : National Library, 253 Four Courts' Library Act, 253, 288 Royal Dublin Society : Catalogue of Accessions, 1891-1893, 184 Meeting of Museums Association, 122 Duckworth, T., appointed Librarian at Worcester, 284 Dufferin and Ava, Marquis of, on the L.A.U.K., &c., 295 Dumbarton Public Library : Catalogue of Lending and Reference Departments, 229