34 The Library. The circumstances have forbidden any expenditure on advertising and the council has had to trust to the gratuitous recommendations of the press, of purchasers, and of members of the association. It thus happens that although some of the hand-books have been out for more than twelve months the hon. secretary is frequently asked to give information, not only to the public, but to members of the association on matters which have been fully and authoritatively dealt with in hand-books which can be purchased for sixpence ! This is not as it should be, and we feel that we shall do good service by calling the attention of our readers to the L.A.U.K. publications from time to time ; and this month we are happy to be able to make the following pleasing announcement : With the view of making them more widely known the council has resolved to dispose of fifty copies of each of the L.A.U.K. publications at reduced prices from now until the end. of May, 1894. All orders will be dealt with in strict rotation as received, but no order will be supplied unless accompanied by a remittance in full, together with a reasonable allowance for postage or carriage of parcel. If too much is sent the difference will be returned with the books. As it would be unreasonable to burden the honorary secretary with avoidable correspondence on this subject, intending purchasers are re- quested to prepare their orders carefully, according to the terms of the subjoined list. N.B. All orders must be marked Publications " Special Offer," and addressed The Hon. Secretary, L.A.U.K., 20, Hanover Square, London, W. PUBLICATIONS OF THE L.A.U.K. All of the following are offered at the reduced prices affixed. N.B. NO MORE THAN 50 COPIES OF ANY PUBLICATION WILL BE SOLD AT THE REDUCED PRICE. Transactions : International Conference, London, 1877, i os. 6d. for 55. 3d. Second Annual Meeting, Manchester, 1879, i os. 6d. 55. 3d. Third Edinburgh, 1880, los. 6d. 53. 3d. Fourth London, 1881, 1 I in one , , Fifth Cambridge, 1882, J Fvol,2is. los ' 6d ' Sixth Liverpool, 1883, IDS. 6d. 53. 3d. Seventh Dublin, 1884, I2S. 6s. Proceedings : Eighth ,. Plymouth, 1885, 4S. 2S. ANNUAL MEETING. [N.B. The 'transactions and Proceedings were discontinued after the Plymouth volume, and thereafter the papers and reports of meetings have been published in The Library Chronicle (1885-1888) and in The Library from 1 889 on wards.] Monthly Notes. January, 1880, to December, 1883. A few odd volumes 6s. each, and loose numbers 6d. each. Reduced price: vols. 35., parts .rl.
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