Page:The life and letters of John Brown (Sanborn).djvu/679

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25 & 34 George IV. Bridge, Edinburgh.

Choice Illustrated Workscontinued:

Lyndsay (Sir David, of the Mount)—A Facsimile of the ancient Heraldic Manuscript emblazoned by the celebrated Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lyon King at Arms in the reign of James the Fifth, edited by the late David Laing, LL.D., from the Original MS. in the possession of the Faculty of Advocates, folio, cloth, gilt top, uncut edges (pub £10 10s), £3, 10s.

Impression limited to 250 copies.

Also Uniform.

Scottish Arms, being a Collection of Armorial Bearings, a.d. 1370–1678, Reproduced in Facsimile from Contemporary Manuscripts, with Heraldic and Genealogical Notes, by R. R. Stodart, of the Lyon Office, 2 vols, folio, cloth extra, gilt tops (pub £12 12s), £4 10s.

Impression limited to 300 copies.

Several of the manuscripts from which these Arms are taken have hitherto been unknown to heraldic antiquaries in this country. The Arms of upwards of 600 families are given, all of which are described in upwards of 400 pages of letter-press by Mr Stodart.

The book is uniform with Lyndsay's Heraldic Manuscript, and care was taken not to reproduce any Arms which are in that volume, unless there are variations, or from older manuscripts.

Strutt's Sylva Britanniæ et Scotiæ; or, Portraits of Forest Trees Distinguished for their Antiquity, Magnitude, or Beauty, drawn from Nature, with 50 highly finished etchings, imp. folio, half morocco extra, gilt top, a handsome volume (pub £9 9s), £2 2s.
The Modern Cupid (en Chemin de Fer), by M. Mounet-Sully, of the Comedie Français, illustrations by Ch. Daux. A Bright, Attractive Series of Verses, illustrative of Love on the Rail, with dainty drawings reproduced in photogravure plates, and printed in tints, folio, edition limited to 350 copies, each copy numbered. Estes & Lauriat.
Proofs on Japan paper, in parchment paper portfolio, only 65 copies printed (pub 63s), £1 1s.
Proofs on India paper, in white vellum cloth portfolio, 65 copies printed (pub 50s), 16s.
Ordinary copy proofs on vellum paper, in cloth portfolio, 250 copies printed (pub 30s), 10s 6d.
The Costumes of all Nations, A tide fit and Modern, exhibiting the Dresses and Habits of all Classes, Male and Female, from the Earliest Historical Records to the Nineteenth Century, by Albert Kretschmer and Dr Rohrbach, 104 coloured plates displaying nearly 2000 full-length figures, complete in one handsome volume, 4to, half morocco (pub £4 4s), 45s. Sotheran.
Walpole's (Horace) Anecdotes of Painting in England, with some Account of the Principal Artists, enlarged by Rev. James Dallaway; and Vertue's Catalogue of Engravers who have been born or resided in England, last and best edition, revised with additional notes by Ralph N. Wornum, illustrated with eighty portraits of the principal artists, and woodcut portraits of the minor artists, 3 handsome vols, 8vo, cloth (pub 27s), 14s 6d. Bickers.
———The same, 3 vols, half morocco, gilt top, by one of the best Edinburgh binders (pub 45s), £1 8s.