Name of Book. | Year of Publication. |
Remarks re Authenticity, etc.
Les Grand Hommes en Robe-de-chambre: | Part of a scheme for a series of biographies of great men from the earliest to the latest period, written from a new point of view. | |
César | 1857-8 | |
Henri IV. | 1866 | |
Louis XIII., et Richelieu | 1866 | |
*Histoire des Bourbons | 1863 | Originally written in Italian, "I Borboni di Napoli." |
Histoire de Louis Philippe | 1852 | or "Histoire de Dix-Huit Ans" (1830-48), published in 1853, and again, "Le Dernier Roi." |
Les Hommes de Fer | 1867 | A republished collection of "studies" of Pépin, Charlemagne, etc. |
Italiens et Flamands | 1846 | Appreciative sketches of painters—Andrea del Sarto, Botticelli, Holbein, Dürer, etc., etc. |
Jehanne la Pucelle | 1842 | A "chronique" of Joan of Arc. |
Louis XIV. et Son Siècle | 1844-45 | The first of a series of "historical eras" which ended with the "Drame de '93." Dumas's most important historical work. |
Louis XV. et sa Cour | 1849 | The series continues ("Le Régence" intervening). |
Louis XVI. et la Révolution | 1850-1 | Ditto: followed by the last of the series, "'93." |
Les Medicis | 1845 | Should be read in connection with "Trois Maitres" and "Italiens et Flamands." |
Mémoires de Garibaldi | 1860 | An account of Garibaldi's exploits in S. America, written by Dumas from materials afforded by Garibaldi himself. |
*Mémoires de Talma | 1850 | Written by Dumas from materials left by Talma. |