Page:The life of Matthew Flinders.djvu/21

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Portrait of Matthew Flinders, aged 27 Frontispiece
Flinders' Birthplace, Donington, Lincolnshire xviii
Facsimile of Letter to Sir Joseph Banks, 1794 48
Tablet or Memorial erected by Sir John Franklin at Port Lincoln, S. A 64
Memorial on Mount Lofty, South Australia 81
Map of Flinders' Voyages in Bass Strait 102
Bass's Eye-sketch of Westernport 114
Portrait of George Bass 122
Page from Flinders' MS. Narrative of the Voyage of the Francis, 1798 128
Memorial on the Summit of Station Peak, Port Phillip 135
Port Dalrymple, discovered in the Norfolk, 1798 136
Page from Bass's MS. Account of the Voyage of the Norfolk 148
Cairn erected on Flinders' Landing-place, Kangaroo Island, S.A. 164
Portrait of Earl Spencer 181
Tablet at Memory Cove, South Austria 196
View on Kangaroo Island, by Westall 213
Flinders' Chart of Spencer's Gulf, St. Vincent's Gulf, and Encounter Bay 218
Tablet at Encounter Bay, South Australia, commemorating the meeting of Flinders and Baudin 224
View of the Western Arm of Port Phillip, by Westall 240
