Cape Bauer, after the Botanical Draftsman of the Investigator.
Point Westall, after the painter.
Olive Island, after the ship's clerk.
Cape Radstock, after Admiral Lord Radstock.
Waldegrave Isles.
Topgallant Isles.
Anxious Bay, "from the night we passed in it."
Investigator Group.
Pearson's Island, after Flinders' brother-in-law.
Ward's Island, after his mother's maiden name.
Flinders' Island, after Lieutenant S. W. Flinders.
Cape (now Point) Drummond, after Captain Adam Drummond, R.N.
Point Sir Isaac, Coffin's Bay, after Vice-Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin.
Mount Greenly, Greenly Isles, after the lady to whom Sir Isaac Coffin was engaged.
Point Whidbey, Whidbey's Islands, after "My worthy friend the Master-attendant at Sheerness."
Avoid Bay and Point, "from its being exposed to the dangerous southern winds."
Liguanea Island, after an estate in Jamaica.
Cape Wiles, after the Botanist on the Providence.
Williams' Isle.
Sleaford Bay, from Sleaford in Lincolnshire.
Thistle Island, after the Master of the Investigator.
Neptune Isles, "for they seemed inaccessible to men."
Thorny Passage, from the dangerous rocks.
Cape Catastrophe, where the accident occurred.
Taylor's Island, after a midshipman drowned in the accident.
Wedge Island, "from its shape."
Gambier Isles, after Admiral Lord Gambier.
Memory Cove, in memory of the accident.