man and woman who shares the spirit of America and appreciates the immediate and primary importance of visualizing the common interest." With rare eloquence and convincing logic Dr. Philander P. Claxton, the United Sates Commissioner of Education, has stated his views on the subject of the schoolhouse as the capitol of the "Little Democracy."
"To make more valuable to the people those things from which the people are accustomed to derive value [says Dr. Claxton] has very appropriately been said to be the prime business of legislators. That the schoolhouse, whose value to the peopple is already great, may become still more valuable to them, is the purpose of the community organization movement. A great democracy like ours, extending over three and one-half million square miles of territory and including more than one hundred million people, must be alive, intelligent, and virtuous in all its parts; every unit of it must be democratic. The ultimate unit in every State, Territory and possession of the United States is the school district; every school district should therefore be a little democracy, and the schoolhouse should be the community capitol; here the people should meet to discuss