working out this policy, for the reason that the rights of the individual are ignored, and human beings are manipulated, ground up, if need be, to satisfy the iron will of the few. If in America we are learning to value humanity more and the material less, we must attain our ideal of democracy by developing in the individual the desire and the intelligence to exercise the right to speak for himself in all of those matters that concern himself. It has been asserted that there are in the city of New York no less than one hundred and forty-seven organizations doing welfare work of one kind or another—one hundred and forty-seven agencies occupying expensive buildings, employing expensive staffs, engaging the sincere and often sacrificial services of master minds, operating on an unconscious public! The need is not to interrupt the work of these agencies, but to intensify and coördinate it, and to make it more effective.
Who will not be willing to give the Community plan of decentralization a chance—who will not be glad to see the Community principle