is to be an apartment house built in the country and capable of indefinite expansion―on the principle of the sectional bookcase. Mr. Chambless' plan is for a continuous house, with the avenue of distribution and transportation within its well lighted and ventilated basement―built to house forty families, four hundred or forty thousand, as the demands of the future may require. At first glance the proposition seems almost weird, and yet, more than a score of experts in as many different lines have pronounced the plan perfectly sound and have declared that it embodies a fundamental principle. OF the plan the inventor says:
"Roadtowns will first be built at the ends of present city systems of rapid transit lines and extend out into the country in many directions. The superior transportation of Roadtown will materially increase the area of the suburban belt; and long before the limit of this belt is reached the Roadtown will have become a semi-agriculture community.
"Roadtown will have a population of at least 1,000 to the mile. Assuming that this popula-