people themselves is "Community Association."
The first step in organization is to define the boundaries of the Community. These ought to be determined along natural lines, such as the territory from which the children in the school are drawn, or a district in which the people come together for other reasons than the fact that an artificial line is drawn around them. It ought not to be too large.
All adult citizens, both men and women, living in the prescribed territory of the democracy, are members of it. If the schoolhouse is to be used as its capital, the democracy must be comprehensive. It must be non-partisan, non-sectarian and non-exclusive. You do not become a member of a Community Center by joining. You are a member by virtue of your citizenship and residence in the district. Everywhere else men and women are divided into groups and classes on the ground of their personal taste or occupation. In a Community Center they meet as "folks" on the ground of their common citizenship and their common