Page:The looking-glass.djvu/69

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the church in sixth street.

head of the Church who are no more fitted for the station than is a child three years old to act as captain of a ship in a storm upon a lee shore.

Among others who assisted the colored people, were Dr. R. F. Hibbard and ladies, Dr. Worrel and ladies, and that benevolent lady, Mrs. Few, of Ninth street. She came in person, and aided the Church, and gave good advice in relation to the management of the school in Sixth street. It is by ignorance and oppression, that the Church in Second street became divided. It is a branch of Bethel, the backsliding sister.

The Church in Sixth street bids fair to become a very useful and beneficial institution. It contributes greatly towards the moral and religious improvement of the colored population. Their minister, Rev. L. Telmon, the founder and pastor of that Church, is an active, capable man. That Church is established on better principles than any colored Church in the States—on free, republican principles. Her pastor has done, and is doing, all that he can for the improvement of the rising generation; and if ho continues to be faithful, he will be a blessing to the people, and a blessing to himself. If he fail, it will be otherwise. I therefore recommend humiliation, faith, and fervent prayer to himself and congregation,