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Absolutism, 324, 369, 417–8, 421, 424

Adler, Dr., 130, 339

Aehrenthal, Count, 19, 59, 91, 104, 294–5

Agram High Treason trial, the, 82

Albania, 370

Alexander, Prince, 328, 331

Alexeieff, General, 138–9, 145, 152–3, 157, 163, 181, 192

Allies, the—
author’s estimate of, 39–40, 325–6, 333, 335; ties with, 66, 129; and Russia, 138, 183, 193; their contribution to Czech independence, 362–4, 377

Alsace-Lorraine, 200, 248, 368–9, 378

funds raised in, 26, 28, 45, 71, 94; representing Western civilization v. Germany, 49, 60; Czech colony in, 65, 67, 211; to provide troops, 75; Czech propaganda in, 82, 85, 92; enters the war, 121–2, 128; and Japan, 184; the author in, 206, 212; democracy in, 212–15; and literature, 215–20; Yugoslav colonies in, 224; accepts the Rome Congress resolutions, 228; and the Bolshevists, 236; Lithuanians in, 237; change of view upon Austria-Hungary, 271–2, 279; share in victory, 300–1

“Americanism,” 214

American Mission in Petrograd, 135

Americans, pro-German, 222

“Anabasis,” the Siberian, 254–61, 290

Anarchism, 413–14

Andrássy, Count, 347–9, 352, 355, 358–9

Anglo-French Entente, the, 82, 114

Anti-Austrian policy, 51

Anti-Bolshevist movements, 183–4

Aquinas, Thomas, 53–4

Armistice, the, 284

and Serbia, 24, 49, 225; and the Russians, 32, 38; and the Sokols, 32–3; estimate of her army, 39; and the Czechs, 40–1, 46–7, 49–50, 71–5, 103, 129, 136, 181, 354–60; and Italy, 55–6, 59–60, 69, 247; and the question of war guilt, 76; and intrigues in Switzerland, 79–81; impending collapse of, 121; makes a peace move, 128, 195, 200, 248, 267; and the severance from Hungary, 244–54, 354–60; and England, 247; and America, 282–3, 285, 355; her poets, 312; her military terrorism, 333–4; the new, 374–5

Austria-Hungary, the breaking up of, 244–54, 283, 332, 349, 355, 358

Austria-Hungary, the oppressed peoples of, 227, 232–3, 267, 271

Austrian Germans, the, 44

Austrian Italians, the, 56

Author on his training and work, the, 291–6

Averescu, General, 179

Bahr, Hermann, 18

Bakhmetieff, M., 224, 236

Bakunin, 175

“Balkanization,” 370–1

Balkan policy of Vienna, 24, 267

Balkans, the, 31, 38–9, 59, 267

Baráček, M., 63

Barbarism, Bolshevist, 170, 175

Belgium, 23, 283, 369

Belgrade, Austrian evacuation of, 31

Belligerents, author’s estimate of the, 39–40

Benckendorff, Count, 26, 68, 122

Beneš, Dr., 28, 44–6, 51, 63–4, 82–4, 88–9, 92–4, 103, 105, 110, 123, 127, 180, 183, 203–4, 223, 227, 249, 268, 284, 290–1, 328, 346, 350–2, 356, 358–9, 364

Berchtold, Count, 24, 76–7

Berlin–Baghdad scheme, 49, 120, 147, 432

Bernstorff, Count, 128

Berthelot, General, 135, 179, 185

Berthelot, M. Philippe, 330, 361

Bethmann-Hollweg, Herr, 49, 106, 126, 200–1, 296

Biliński, M., 76–7

Bismarck, 48, 307–8, 311, 319, 323–4, 374, 425, 432

Bohemia, 17, 20, 26, 28, 89, 100–1, 130, 142, 144, 147, 151, 202, 209, 284, 336, 348–9, 374, 385–6, 422, 432