Page:The mastery of destiny (IA masteryofdestiny00alle).pdf/21

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Deeds, Character, and Destiny

rise to the interminable controversy between the believers in Fatalism and the upholders of Free-will—a controversy which was recently revived under the term “Determinism versus Free-will.” Between apparently conflicting extremes there is always a "middle way” of balance, justice, or compensation which, while it includes both extremes, cannot be said to be either one or the other, and which brings both into harmony; and this middle way is the point of contact between two extremes. Truth cannot be a partisan, but, by its nature, is the Reconciler of extremes; and so, in the matter which we are considering, there is a “golden mean” which brings Fate and Free-will into close relationship, wherein, indeed, it is seen that these two indisputable facts in human life, for such they are,