Page:The mastery of destiny (IA masteryofdestiny00alle).pdf/33

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Deeds, Character, and Destiny

deeds, destinies wrought by the thoughts and deeds of each particular individual. So also with the vast variety of characters—they are the ripening and ripened growth of the sowing of deeds, a sowing not confined solely to this visible life, but going backward through that infinite life which traverses the portals of innumerable births and deaths, and which also will extend into the illimitable future, reaping its own harvests, eating the sweet and bitter fruits of its own deeds.

It is thus literally true that when men die they “go to heaven or hell,” in accordance with their deeds. But the heaven and hell are in this world. The rich man who abused his wealth or who obtained his riches by fraud or oppression, is reborn in poverty and shame. The poor man who used the little he possessed wisely and unselfishly