Page:The mastery of destiny (IA masteryofdestiny00alle).pdf/48

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The Mastery of Destiny

selfish point, every strong and virtuous quality. It is considered the height of wisdom to be able to see ourselves as others see us, but the practiser of self-control goes far beyond this: he not only sees himself as others see him, he sees himself as he is. Thus, standing face to face with himself, not striving to hide away from any secret fault; no longer defending himself with pleasant flatteries; neither underrating nor over-rating himself or his powers, and no more cursed with self-praise or self-pity, he sees the full magnitude of the task which lies before him; sees clearly ahead the heights of self-control, and knows what work he has to do to reach them. He is no longer in a state of confusion, but has gained a glimpse of the laws which operate in the world of thought, and he now begins to adjust