make into pills of about six grains each. Another preparation of composition similar to the above is called Manmatlidbhra rasa. It is, as its name implies, intended for the votaries of Cupid. Galitakushthdri rasa^- Take of mercury, sulphur, prepared copper and iron, bdellium, plumbago root, sildjatu, nux vomica, and the three myrobalans, each one part, prepared talc and the seeds of Pongamia glabra ( karanja), four parts each, rub together with honey and ghee, and preserve in an earthen pot smeared with ghee. Dose about a drachm. It is given in leprosy with ulcer a- tion of the toes and fingers. The diet should consist of fine rice, milk, sugar and honey. The patient must live apart from his wife. ALUM. Sans. ^fife^T^ Sphatikdri. Alum is prepared from alum shale in the Punjab and Behar It is not mentioned by Susruta, in his list of metallics, but later writers give its synonyms and uses. It is described as an astrin- gent, and as useful in leucorrhoea, strangury, vomiting, ulcers, white leprosy, eye diseases etc. It enters into the composition of several applications to the eye in combination with rusot, opium etc, for which see Herberts Asiatica. It is seldom used internally. arrfV